May 9, 2017 | Reuben Bush

First of a kind: VENDLET V5S Patient Turning & Repositioning Aid

The VENDLET V5S – a brilliantly simple but life-changing patient turning and repositioning system.

The VENDLET V5S is the latest innovation in moving & handling equipment, bringing several new features over its predecessor, VENDLET V5.  The VENDLET V5S is a tool that enables you to shift, not lift.   It enables you to almost eliminate the need for manual handling around the bed by aiding not only the turn but all handling procedures.

Why would we want to eliminate manual handling?

Firstly, let’s look at what manual handling is…

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations define manual handling as;

…any transporting or supporting of a load (including the lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving thereof) by hand or bodily force.

Now let’s consider this worrying statistic; over 40 million workers in the EU are affected by Musculoskeletal Disorders caused by work. (Fit for Work Europe)

So is there a case to eliminate manual handling?

EEC 90/269, Minimum Health and Safety Requirements for the Manual Handling of Loads: Article 3, 1 states:

“The employer shall take appropriate organizational measures, or shall use the appropriate means, in particular mechanical equipment, in order to avoid the need for the manual handling of loads by workers.

So there is a clear requirement to mechanize manual handling where possible and, in the subject of this blog, particularly where we are handling clients with disabilities and those with limited resources in bed.

Mechanized handling, not manual handling

The VENDLET V5S will;

  • Enable you to turn a patient from side to side in bed
  • Enable you to bring someone up the bed if they have migrated down due to gravity and the profiling function of the bed
  • Assist you to perform all other tasks such as fitting a sling, personal care, changing pads and so on.

It will also;

  • Enable you to do these task whilst dramatically minimising shear and friction
  • Turn the whole handling process into a much more dignified one for the recipient
  • Allow you in most cases to perform the task single-handedly

What’s new about the V5S?

Firstly, besides its primary function as a turning aid, the VENDLET is a fully functional siderail in its own right and fully confirms to IEC 60601-2-52.  There is no need to add any additional plastic sideguards once turning has finished.

Secondly, the VENDLET has been redesigned to make installation much quicker and simpler.

Thirdly, it now has a speed-adjustment function.  This innovation can be life-changing, particularly when turning a client with a neurological condition – the ability to slow the procedure makes such a difference.  For those suffering with chronic pain, being able to turn them in ease and comfort is a welcome relief.

Have a question?  Call us on 01473 741144 or email [email protected].

We’d love to hear from you.

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