September 6, 2024 | Natalie Webber

How do Robooter’s omnidirectional wheels work? Plus benefits explained

So, you’ve heard the new Robooter power wheelchairs have ‘omni-directional wheels’ and you’re wondering what exactly this means and how they work! More than that, you may also be thinking: what are the advantages and are they as good as they’re made out to be?

As with all questions we commonly get asked by customers, we’ll give our best explanation! The goal, as always, is to educate you so an informed decision is easy for you to make.

What is an omni-directional wheel as on Robooter wheelchairs?

The prefix “omni-” comes from the Latin word omnis, which means “all”. An omnidirectional wheel therefore describes a wheel that can travel in all directions.

But how does this differ from standard wheels on an electric wheelchair? To date,FreedomChair A06L Powerchair - web image 1 powerchairs have combined two types of wheel. First, fixed drive wheels, mounted to the rear, middle or front of the powerchair, provide the wheelchair’s propulsion. These can travel in only two directions: forwards or backwards. Then, additional castor wheels are mounted on forks to the front and/or rear of the chair. The purpose of these is to provide better manoeuvrability as they can swivel in any direction. As a user initiates the powerchair’s movement using a joystick controller, these two sets of wheels work in conjunction to travel in the direction desired by the user. These movements, however, are limited to forwards, backwards and turning.

By contrast, Robooter powerchairs with omnidirectional front wheels allow you to move sideways, diagonally or in any direction without changing the direction of the wheelchair body itself. As Robooter explain, this is because the rim of the omnidirectional wheel is equipped with multiple inclined wheels whose axis of rotation is at an angle to the main wheel axis. This means an omnidirection wheel can rotate freely on its axis, while also being able to move in the direction of the main wheel axis.

Robooter Omnidirectional Wheels Advantages

Which Robooter models have omnidirectional wheels?

What are the advantages of Robooter’s omnidirectional wheels?

1. Superior manoeuvrability

The ability for the Robooter’s omni wheels to move in any direction offers significant improvements in manoeuvrability. This is especially beneficial in confined indoor spaces, where the turning circle of a traditional powerchair can limit your mobility. With Robooter, you can spin round from a desk, negotiate tight corridors and take the elevator at the office.

This improved handling not only reduces the space required, but it also makes it safer to manoeuvre your powerchair around other people and objects. It’s surprisingly easy to run over a foot or catch a door frame with swivel castor wheels!

2. Better traction and step-climbing ability

The unique mechanics of an omniwheel give it far greater capability when it comes to negotiating uneven terrain and climbing steps. This opens up new opportunities for exploring outdoors that would traditionally been unachievable with an electric wheelchair. The most impressive in the range is the Robooter E60 Pro, which has a stated maximum obstacle height of 80mm (3in) – though it will do more if invalidating the warranty is not a concern of yours!

3. Greater independence

Omnidirectional wheels move in a more natural way (humans can move sideways and diagonally too!). So, with these functional advantages comes greater freedom and enhanced integration with your surroundings, ultimately giving you even more independence. You’ll be able to think less about how, or even whether, you can do something with your electric wheelchair and that’s got to be a good thing.



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Natalie Webber

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