March 4, 2025 | Terry Smith

Stryker ST1 Stretcher vs PatientFlow Stretcher; an honest comparison

There are a large number of patient stretchers on the market, each with various positives and drawbacks, and some with special functions, and subsequently, choosing the correct patient stretcher for your hospital can be a daunting and time-consuming task. 

The purpose of this article is to compare one of the most used stretchers on the market; the Stryker ST1 Stretcher, with the PatientFlow stretcher, covering the key features, positives, and drawbacks of each, to make your decision-making process easier and to enable you to make the best decision for your hospital. 

Key features comparison table



Stryker ST1
Safe Working Load 320kg 250kg
Lowest Height (mm) 550 560
Highest Height (mm) 850 860
Patient Surface Size (mm) 650 x 1950 620 x 1930
X-ray version available? Yes Yes
Fifth wheel mobility? Yes Yes
Power-drive system available? Yes No
60601-2-52 compliant side rails? Yes No
Electric functionality available? Yes No


What is the Stryker St1 Stretcher?

The ST1 is Stryker’s standard patient transport stretcher. Designed to satisfy a hospital’s fundamental needs, the Stryker St1 Stretcher offers basic but reliable functionality. The ST1-X version adds an X-ray tunnel for unrestricted imaging. 

Stryker ST1 Key Features and Specifications

  • Safe working load: 250kg
  • 5th wheel steering
  • Glideaway side rails
  • Central braking mechanism
  • Optional folding push handles


  • 5th wheel steering – The 5th wheel under the centre of the Stryker ST1 Stretcher ensures maximum manoeuvrability and easy guidance; especially useful in busy and crowded emergency environments. 
  • Easy braking – Releasing or activating the brakes by pushing the foot lever down with clear visibility on the brakes supports ergonomic working. 
  • Ergonomic to use – The Stryker ST1 has optional folding ergonomic push handles, glideaway side rails, and 4 IV pole receptacles, to make it easy for staff to use.


  • Not ISO 60601-2-52 compliant – The Stryker ST1’s side rails are not compliant with ISO 60601-2-52, which may cause issues if your Trust is seeking to comply with recent guidance around side rail safety.
  • No power-drive assist available – There is no option to add a power-drive assist system to the ST1 stretcher, which is a popular option for the PatientFlow to make pushing the stretcher effortless and to reduce manual handling risk.


What is the Felgains PatientFlow Stretcher?


The PatientFlow is a hospital stretcher for emergency departments and any areas in hospitals where patients are transported. This A&E trolley is lightweight and easy to manoeuvre, yet robustly built to withstand heavy use all day, every day. 

Key Features and Specifications

  • Safe Working Load: 320kg
  • Max patient weight: 260kg
  • Dual-purpose IV pole
  • Fold-down side rails
  • Retractable 5th wheel
  • Available in both hydraulic and hybrid electric versions
  • Central-locking braking


  • Lightweight – The PatientFlow is lightweight compared to other patient stretchers on the market, which can make a big difference when the stretcher has to be used all day, every day, in busy ED departments. 
  • 5th wheel – The 5th wheel under the centre of the trolley means that the PatientFlow is very manoeuvrable – especially important in crowded emergency departments.
  • Higher safe working load – The PatientFlow has a high safe working load of 320kg, meaning you can use it with most of your patients. 
  • Robust and flexible – the PatientFlow has heavy-duty IV poles that double up as push handles, giving you options on pushing positions for excellent ergonomics
  • Available with hydraulic or electric functionality; the electric version allows for smooth movements across all functions, whilst the hydraulic version guarantees reliability in every scenario.
  • ISO 60601-2-52 compliance available – Optional 60601-2-52 side rails are available for the PatientFlow, enabling your Trust to meet the latest guidance.


  • Lower maximum height, compared to the Stryker ST1. This could lead to taller staff members having difficulty operating the stretcher at the optimum height for safe manual handling. 

Click here to learn more about the PatientFlow stretcher 🡥


Which stretcher should you choose for your hospital?

I trust this article has given you a clear understanding of the Stryker ST1 and Felgains PatientFlow Stretchers, and the positives and drawbacks of each. 

Which stretcher you choose for your trust will vary depending on your needs and requirements, and we will happily talk this through with you if required.  Often, a hospital would trial a piece of equipment such as a stretcher before purchasing, and we would be happy to arrange this for you. 

To get started, feel free to get in touch on 01473 741144, or via the contact form below. 



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Terry Smith

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