Top 3 best automatic folding mobility scooters in the UK (Dec 2024)
If you’re looking to buy an automatic folding mobility scooter, you’re probably researching to find the best possible model, perhaps for the lightest option with the most features.
At Felgains, we’re not afraid to give you information, even if that leads you to buy an auto fold mobility scooter from a competitor. So, here we’ll show you the top 3 best autofold scooters currently on the market in the UK.
1. Drive Autofold Elite
How much does it weigh? Total weight: 27kg Sold by Felgains: View product details |
2. TGA Minimo Autofold
How much does it weigh? Total weight: 32kg Not sold by Felgains |
3. CareCo Maximus Autofold
How much does it weigh? Total weight: 29.9kg Not sold by Felgains |
I trust this article has given you a good introduction to the best automatic folding mobility scooters in the UK. If you’re shopping around for autofold scooters, why not get in touch for pricing or to book a test drive?
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