October 28, 2014 | Reuben Bush

Vendlet is reviewed by National Back Exchange

We were delighted that the Vendlet V5 was included in an NBE Column Product Review. Although the other products reviewed were solely designed for Proning Procedures, the review of the Vendlet V5 highlighted the different positioning possibilities available through its use. Please read the full article here… The NBE Column Product Review


Type of product
Electrical patient turning device

Felgains, 33 Knightsdale Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 4JJ
Tel: +44 (0) 1473 741144
Fax: +44 (0) 1473 461933
Contact: Sam Webber
[email protected]

Product description
Vendlet is an electrical turning device which is attached to a hospital or community bed to aid repositioning of a patient / client.

The system comprises of a flat base slide sheet which is fitted to the mattress with elastic straps at each corner and on top of this, a turning sheet that is attached to two motorised turning bars which are mounted on either side of the bed. The end of the turning sheet is attached to each bar by a
long strip of Velcro.

The carer will use the hand control to turn the bar in the required direction to slide the turning sheet across the under slide sheet to move or turn the patient / client. The carer can in most cases work alone for these repositioning manoeuvres.

The system will turn the patient / client from side to side as well as into supine and prone positions (pics 1 &2). It can also be used to reposition the patient / client higher up in bed, facilitate lateral transfer as well as moving them in and out of bed.

The sheet ends can be slackened on either side to allow the profile position of the bed to be used (pic 3).

Once positioning has been completed the 4 perspex detachable side rails (2 for each side) provided must be attached if the side bars are to remain in the raised position. These side rails should be removed again before repositioning using the system, otherwise they could become damaged or break.

The centre of the turning sheet is marked at the head and foot section with red stitching .This allows the user to gauge the amount of sheet wrapped around each bar.

The standard bed side rails must be removed completely to enable installation and use of this system.

The system can also be used with a pressure relieving mattress.

Ease of use to reposition person
The system was already attached to an Invacare community bed and demonstration provided immediately prior to this review.

The reviewers felt that it took a bit of practice and thought to become proficient in the use of the handset. There is also the potential for staff to use more effort or adopt reaching postures which are not required when using this system.

Repositioning of an adult on the bed was performed very easily with little or no effort.
The system also allowed a person to be transferred laterally in supine position on a rigid board from the bed onto a trolley. The rolling bars moved the board without any physical effort on the part of user and the person remained centrally positioned on the board.

Lateral transfer on a slide sheet would be possible but uncomfortable for the patient when moving over the side rail.

If the board needs to be removed immediately following transfer, a standard lateral transfer using board and slide sheets may be preferable.

Comfort of client
Very comfortable and controlled handling and repositioning for the patient / client

The bed should have a rectangular steel frame with a width of min. 20mm, a length of min. 1950mm and a height of 45-50mm.

This system would usually remain attached to a bed frame.

Total Weight
44kg/7 stone

Safe Working Load
200kg/31.5 stone

Safety features
• The on/off button acts as an emergency stop.
• Specific side rails are provided for use with the system if required.
• The hand control is colour coded to correspond with the direction of movement of the system ie right or left.

Safety considerations
• Follow manufacturer’s instructions for use.
• Ensure that staff are positioned at the side of bed when sliding the patient / client particularly when side bars in lowered position.
• If side rails are not required, the side bars must be lowered before the patient / client is left unattended in the bed.
• If side rails are required, the perspex side rails provided must be attached to the raised side bars.
• The 44kg / 7stone weight of the system will need to be considered in relation to the SWL of the bed.

Does this equipment achieve its purpose?

How easy is the product to use?
The system would require technical installation and possibly require adjustment to suit various hospital and community beds.

Training would be required on the use of the system .Felgains includes this when the system is purchased or hired.

Is there any additional noise created when using this equipment?

As per manufacturer’s instructions.
Visual inspection before use for any signs of damage.

Battery: charge times, life, number of lifts, etc
Battery available as accessory, if required.

Cleaning & washing instructions
Following manufacturer’s instructions:
• Sheets are available in patient specific or reusable.
• The slide sheet can be machine washed at 60°C
• The turn sheet is machine washable at 90°C and can be tumble dried
• The metal components, hand control and all actuators can be wiped with most common chemicals for decontamination, including actichlor. However, the stainless steel moving part may need a small amount of lubrication added after this process.

Accessories / Options
• Reusable or patient / client specific sheets.
• Inkolet large sheets.
• Battery back-up.
• Height extensions for extra high mattresses.
• Wider turning sheet 400cm / 450cm
• Wider slide sheet 115cm / 135cm
• Spacers
• Bariatric system – V5+ Max capacity 400kg
• System is available for hire in mainland UK
• Underbed light

Compatibility with other equipment

Need to check manufacturer’s instructions to confirm compatibility with bed frame of various hospital and community beds. Compatible with therapy mattresses.

Price (£) base unit & options
Typical price for hospital use £4,960.00 exc. VAT. Typical price for community use £5,500.00 exc. VAT (including relevant cotton sheeting). Disposable Sheets £80.00 exc. VAT per box of 10. Disposable Slide Sheets £80.00 exc. VAT per box of 10.

Additional comments
How to use the Vendlet system can be seen on YouTube, www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd_OFjR8dBI

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