Electric Wheelchair FAQs & How To Guides
Introduction to Powerchair FAQs
Depending on whether you’re buying an electric wheelchair for the first time, or you’re an existing user, there are many common questions that arise throughout a buyer’s journey – from initial research about the types of electric wheelchair and how they work, through to how to buy our range of powerchairs and expected delivery times. We’ll also cover various aspects of how to use an electric wheelchair, whether it’s navigating home or the office, going shopping or travelling abroad.
Our Electric Wheelchair FAQs & How To guides are here to support you at every stage of your journey. They are full of tips and advice based on our 45 years of experience in supplying powerchairs.
Guides about other areas of buying and using a powerchair, including pricing and reviews, are housed under our Ultimate Guide to Electric Wheelchairs. For personal advice based on your situation, we recommend getting in touch with one of expert advisors.
Which powerchairs are crash-tested?
Distance ranges for power wheelchairs: a comprehensive guide
Are electric wheelchairs waterproof? Can you use them in the rain?
Where can you drive the Quantum Outback All-Terrain Powerchair?
Who is the Quantum Outback All-Terrain Powerchair suitable for?
What accessories are available for the Quantum Outback All Terrain Powerchair?
Can you buy a bariatric electric wheelchair?
Robooter Power Wheelchairs: FAQs Answered
Bespoke Powerchair vs Off-The-Shelf – Which is best for me?
How to buy an electric wheelchair
Wheelchair Powerpack vs Powerchair: what’s the difference and which is best for me?
What is the difference between a power wheelchair and an electric wheelchair?
How to transport an electric wheelchair
What’s the smallest indoor electric wheelchair?
Common questions answered about Electric Wheelchairs
Do you accept NHS Wheelchair Vouchers or Personal Wheelchair Budgets?
Can I take my electric wheelchair on a plane in the UK?
What is the delivery time for an electric wheelchair?
Can you buy an electric wheelchair VAT Free?
Who is a Robooter powerchair suitable for, and not suitable for?
How do Robooter’s omnidirectional wheels work? Plus benefits explained